Lamarwaltersuccess Blog

January 25, 2011

“What is an Action Plan Template?”

Filed under: Business, Inspirational, Motivational, Sucessful, Uncategorized — lamarwalter @ 11:22 pm

Step 1: The Plan

The first step to building an action plan template is to outline the final goal. Write down you final objective including the time to completion and cost of the project. Next break down the path to that goal in several consecutive steps. Assign a cost and time to each of these steps. Take not if multiple steps can be completed at the same time of one step must preclude another.

Step 2: The Assignments

Your next step is to assign your tasks to the member in your group. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each individual as try to assign tasks that are most suited to each member of the group. Include a clear outline of the task itself and the final goal of the task. Include a time frame and deadline as well as the maximum cost of this task. For each of these tasks also include a sequential set of steps that should be followed to complete the task.

Step 3: The Meeting

Now that you have developed a plan and set tasks for each group member it is time to get everyone together. At this meeting you will outline the overall goal of the assignment. You will also dole out the tasks. All team members must be aware of what others in the group are doing to complete the goal. Therefore it is very important to make sure everyone understands what their role is as well as the roles of their peers.

Step 4: Tracking

Now that the tasks are being completed, the next step in the action plan template is monitoring each task. You want to know where each team member is in their task and their expected timeline to completion. You might find a step you expected to move along quickly is actually taking a bit longer than expected. Be prepared to alter timelines and reprioritize tasks in response to delayed goals and unexpected roadblocks.

Step 5: Final Assessment

Once the goal has been completed go back through your action plan template. Take special note of where tasks took longer than expected. Evaluate your members’ performances and notate particular strengths and weaknesses so you will have a better idea of who to assign to future tasks. Evaluate your own overall performance and ask for your groups’ feedback as to what went right and what could be improved upon.

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